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Nature,做作周论 2 November 2023, Volume 623 Issue 7985
《做作》2023年11月2日 ,第623卷,出书7985期
质料迷信Materials Science
Injectable tissue prosthesis for instantaneous closed-loop rehabilitation
▲ 作者:Subin Jin, Heewon Choi et al.
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▲ 摘要 :
在这里,咱们提出了一种可注射的做作周论机关假体,它们在神经肌肉零星中具备刹时双向电传导能耐 。出书这种柔软的文导可注射假体由具备配合的苯硼酸介导多重交联的生物相容性水凝胶组成 ,如不可逆但可逍遥重排的做作周论联苯键以及可逆的配位键 ,经由原位交织偶联组成导电金纳米颗粒。出书
在大鼠严正肌肉伤害的文导早期阶段,经由注射这种假体质料乐成实现为了机械闭环辅助痊愈,做作周论并在前期实现为了机关的出书减速修复 。
▲ Abstract:
Here we present an injectable tissue prosthesis 文导with instantaneous bidirectional electrical conduction in the neuromuscular system. The soft and injectable prosthesis is composed of a biocompatible hydrogel with unique phenylborate-mediated multiple crosslinking, such as irreversible yet freely rearrangeable biphenyl bonds and reversible coordinate bonds with conductive gold nanoparticles formed in situ by cross-coupling. Closed-loop robot-assisted rehabilitation by injecting this prosthetic material is successfully demonstrated in the early stage of severe muscle injury in rats, and accelerated tissue repair is achieved in the later stage.
Quinone-mediated hydrogen anode for non-aqueous reductive electrosynthesis
▲ 作者:Jack Twilton, Mathew R. Johnson et al.
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▲ 摘要 :
在此 ,咱们陈说了一种介导的做作周论H2阳极,经由将蒽醌介质的出书热催化加氢与蒽氢醌的电化学氧化配对于,实现为了H2的文导直接电化学氧化 。这种醌介导的H2阳极用于反对于镍催化的交织亲电偶联(XEC) ,这种反映种别在制药工业中患上到普遍接管 。
咱们在小规模间歇反映中对于该措施妨碍了开始验证 ,随后顺应了可实现百克级药物中间体分解的再循环反映器。咱们的介导H2阳极技术提供了一种反对于H2驱动的电分解复原的普遍策略 。
▲ Abstract :
Here we report a mediated H2 anode that achieves indirect electrochemical oxidation of H2 by pairing thermal catalytic hydrogenation of an anthraquinone mediator with electrochemical oxidation of the anthrahydroquinone. This quinone-mediated H2 anode is used to support nickel-catalysed cross-electrophile coupling (XEC), a reaction class gaining widespread adoption in the pharmaceutical industry. Initial validation of this method in small-scale batch reactions is followed by adaptation to a recirculating flow reactor that enables hectogram-scale synthesis of a pharmaceutical intermediate. The mediated H2 anode technology disclosed here offers a general strategy to support H2-driven electrosynthetic reductions.
Carbon-to-nitrogen single-atom transmutation of azaarenes
▲ 作者 :Jisoo Woo, Colin Stein, Alec H. Christian & Mark D. Levin.
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▲ 摘要: